
Endnote word square brackets
Endnote word square brackets

If you have text that is not a citation but is surrounded by these delimiters, EndNote will think it's a citation and try to format it. When you format your document with EndNote, EndNote will scan your document for any text surrounded by temporary citation delimiters (the delimiters usually are the square brackets "" or the curly brackets "").

endnote word square brackets

The window may contain a reference, or text that is not a reference Here are a couple possible explanations for the window appearing when you format the bibliography: 1.

endnote word square brackets

» Print friendly version of this article.ġ out of 1 people have found this article useful.ĮndNote 96CA The "EndNote Select Matching Reference" window keeps appearing when formatting a bibliography or appears randomly when instant formatting is on.

Endnote word square brackets